5 Reasons to Use Mannequins in a Retail Store
Do you own or manage a retail apparel store? According to some statistics, the global retail apparel and footwear industry will reach $2 trillion by the end of 2018, attesting to its widespread growth. But with such steep competition, many new retailers struggle to succeed. The good news is that mannequins can give your store the upper-hand, cementing its place as a leading brand in its respective niche.
Mannequins Boost Sales
This alone should be reason enough to use mannequins in your store. Numerous studies have shown that retail apparel store owners who use mannequins naturally generate more sales than retailers who do not use them. How can mannequins boost sales? Well, it all goes back to the visual appeal they offer. Mannequins are more attractive and relatable than a standing rolling rack, encouraging shoppers to buy the presented garment or accessory.
Better Shopping Experience
Of course, another reason why retail apparel stores should embrace mannequins is because it promotes a better all-around shopping experience Again, this is largely attributed to the visual aesthetics offered by mannequins. Setting up mannequins in your store will enhance the decor, which subsequently improves the shopping experience for consumers. It’s a win-win scenario in which there are no losers.
Guides Shoppers to Products
A lesser-known benefit of using mannequins is their ability to guide shoppers to the appropriate clothes and products. If a shopper notices a dress draped on a mannequin, for instance, the shopper will visit the area surrounding the mannequin to find, and hopefully purchase, the dress. This principle isn’t limited strictly to dresses, however. Regardless of what your mannequins are presenting, it will help guide shoppers to the respective items, which in turn boosts sales (as we mentioned earlier).
Mannequins are Inexpensive
Think mannequins aren’t worth the cost? Think again. You can purchase some truly remarkable, lifelike mannequins without breaking the bank.
Fills Voided Areas
Does your apparel store have an empty window or corner? Allowing voided space such as this to fill your store creates negative energy in the atmosphere. Thankfully, there’s a quick and easy solution to this problem: fill those blank areas in your store with mannequins. Setting up just a couple of mannequins in empty areas will go a long ways in enhancing the decor while promoting positive energy.
If you have any questions at all about visual merchandising, please give us a call at 800.241.6897 or email us at /contact-us/.