5 Tips To Improve Your Window Displays


Tip #1) Tell a Story

Storytelling isn’t limited strictly for your son or daughter’s bedtime stories. It’s also an essential component in creating an effective window display. By telling a story within your display, you’ll subsequently make the products more relatable to shoppers. For example, a beach-themed window display may consist of several mannequins decked out in bathing suits, surfboards, beach towels, and other related accessories.

Tip #2) Make It Bold

You can’t expect to achieve an effective window display unless it’s visually striking. Window displays should instantly grab shoppers’ attention, coercing them into the store while promoting your respective products. So, how do you accomplish this? Don’t be afraid to use bold colors, prints and styles to make your window display stand out. A red “Shop Here” sign will undoubtedly prove more effective than a traditional black-and-white sign.

Tip #3) Incorporate Seasonal Elements

Use the seasons to your advantage by incorporating them into your window displays. Both men and women can relate to the seasons, making your window displays appeal to a larger demographic. Something as simple as a winter scene consisting of fake snow flakes and beanie-wearing mannequins can create the perfect seasonal setting. And when spring rolls around, try adding fake (or real) flowers to create an authentic spring setting.

Tip #4) Illumination

When you’re busy styling mannequins and adding props to your window display, it’s easy to overlook something as simple as lighting. Failing to utilize the right lighting, however, can negate all the hard work you’ve invested into the window display. There are several different lighting solutions from which to choose, including overhead fixtures, track lighting, wall sconces, and free-standing floor lamps. Choose the lighting that works best for your particular display.

Tip #5) Color Combinations

Last but not least, play around with different color combinations to see what works and what doesn’t. You want to make your window display stand out, but at the same you time it should feature cohesion within the elements it contains. Mixing brown and black, for instance, typically creates a clashing appearance. Mixing brown with taupe or other lighter shades, on the other hand, can create an aesthetically pleasing display. After setting up your display, take a step back to view it from afar.

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